RAM Construction Launches AED Program
Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in the US. Most cardiac arrests are caused by an abnormal heart rhythm where the heart flutters rather than pumps. The only treatment for sudden cardiac arrest is early defibrillation, which shocks the heart back to normal rhythm. Using an automatic external defibrillator (AED) immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can increase the chance of survival by more than 90%.
Bellingham contractor and SMART Dream Team member, RAM Construction, recently invested in adding 11 new AED’s to their safety toolbox. According to RAM’s Safety Director, Dick Williams, “All of our Superintendents drive AED-equipped and marked vehicles. We also have three units on our larger jobsites.” Dick gives all the credit to RAM owner, Mike Hammes, for championing the project and financially investing in the top-of-the-line AED units. Dick says, “Both Mike and I have ties to emergency management services, and we knew it was important to buy AED’s that are compatible with medic units, easy to use, and had the ability to test itself with little maintenance.”
The initial internal company roll-out of the AED program has been completed. All employees have received initial training and will continue to have in-house refresher training twice a year. RAM is very proud of the emphasis their employees put on safety and wellness, and now the company wants to expand their “heart-saver” program to be more community-based. The company is offering CPR/AED training at no cost to non-profit organizations. According to Williams, “our goal is to bring awareness to this life-saving tool, engage the community, and provide training.”
Aligning their efforts in conjunction with Whatcom County Emergency Medical Response Services, RAM Construction believes that pushing out their resources and knowledge to the entire community makes sense. All of their AED’s are registered on PulsePoint, which allows people find the closest AED when a cardiac emergency occurs. This is a simple and free app to download to your mobile device.
Celebrating 25 years in the industry, RAM Construction, has their eye on bigger and bolder initiatives that focus on building a safer community.