What is an Extension Ladder? WAC 296-876-099 defines an extension ladder as “A non-self-supporting portable ladder which is adjustable in length.” Also known as “portable ladders,” extension ladders usually have two sections that operate in brackets or guides, allowing for…
Washington State is known for its extreme temperatures, which can vary by 20 degrees from one day to the next. Excessive heat can contribute to accidents in many ways. It becomes more difficult to concentrate on the job, which can…
Insect stings and poisonous plants are an issue that many people must pay attention to every day both on and off the job. Some of these sources can also cause an allergic reaction. A few of these allergens may be…
Pallets are utilized each day. From shipping products out the door, to moving items internally, pallets are part of daily life. Let’s review some safety tips when working with pallets. When handling wood pallets, always use cut resistant gloves. This…
Gasoline is a major fuel source to power vehicles, generators, tools, etc. It is a vital part of a workplace. However, failing to properly handle and store it can lead to illnesses, injuries, fires, explosions, and other disasters. Gasoline is…
Arresting a fall is only the first step in preventing injury or death. Even if the arrest does not cause injury, a fallen worker can die from suspension trauma (orthostatic shock) if not rescued in time. Too often, a worker…
Good ventilation is important, especially when it’s hot outside like it is at this time of season. Ventilation helps you keep cool by keeping the air flowing over you as you work and sweat in the heat. Portable fans can…
Hand injuries are among the main reasons workers end up in the emergency room. According to OSHA, one million workers are treated in the ER for hand injuries annually. According to the National Safety Council, hand injuries are the second…
One of the more common WISHA citations is for lack of, or improperly erected, guardrails. There are two basic types of guardrails: the perimeter guardrail (found on flat roofs or upper stories before framing walls) and floor opening guardrails. Both…
How to care for the injured should be part of your Emergency Response Plan. If you must respond to an injured coworker, here are some steps to take. Determine the seriousness of the injury. If Serious: Contact Emergency Response Team(s).…