2022 Required Workplace Posters
Every employer is required to have certain state and federal posters in their workplace. These posters must be in a location where employees can see and read them, which means you may need to put them in more than one location.
Many companies will try to sell you these posters, but there’s no need to pay. They are available for free from government websites.
And, Approach has created a combined poster for Washington workplaces, which you can download free of charge! Just use the form at the end of this article.
Displaying the required workplace posters
Washington state has three required posters. Your company can face financial penalties if they are not posted everywhere that an employee reports to work. L&I states that:
“If your employees report to a central office, posting in the office is fine. If they report to a job shack, post them there. You may want to do both as the posters are free. You are not required to post them in a truck.”
There are also required federal posters. The US Department of Labor has created an online tool to help employers determine which posters apply to their workplace(s). You can use the tool at:
The US Department of Labor gives slightly different advice about displaying the required posters. It says that posters may even need to be posted on different floors of the same building:
“If all of your employees regularly visit the lunchroom, then you can post all required notices there. If not, then you can post the notices in the break rooms on each floor or in another location where they can easily be seen by employees on each floor.”
The posters only need to be displayed in English, but Approach has created a Spanish-language version of our poster as well.
Request our electronic posters so you can make as many copies as necessary to display them in your different work locations.
Seattle and SeaTac Workplace posters
If you have a workplace located in the City of Seattle, there’s an additional poster you need to display. This poster covers Seattle’s minimum wage requirements, which differ from the rest of Washington state, along with its Sick and Safe Leave policy plus other information.
Access the Seattle Workplace Poster for 2022 (Unchanged from 2021 as of Jan. 2022):
The City of Sea-Tac Washington also has its own minimum wage, but it does not have a separate poster requirement. You can find the Sea-Tac wage information for 2022 at:
Download your free workplace poster
Our workplace poster contains the most-needed posters for Washington employers and workplaces. Best of all, it’s absolutely free!
Just provide your name and email address below and you’ll get access to PDF copies of our 2022 Washington workplace posters. You can print as many copies as needed or even email copies to employees working at home.
Do employees working from home need to display posters?
With so many employees working at home due to COVID-19, you may wonder if they need to keep their posters visible at home. And, your employers may wonder if that will blend in with the rest of their décor!
L&I makes clear that, as an employer, you must send the required posters to your employees working from home. However, they do not need to print or display the posters. Here’s more from L&I:
As the employer, you are required to make the posters available to your employees where they can see and read them. To comply with this requirement for employees working from their home or vehicle, you may:
Send each employee a set of posters. You can order them at no cost by visiting www.Posters.Lni.wa.gov. You may want to document that you sent the posters to your employees.
Send each employee an email with a link to www.Posters.Lni.wa.gov. Instruct your employees to read the posters and print them for their records. They do not have to post them in their home or vehicle.
Workplace poster request
Use our quick form here to request your workplace posters. Then, look for our email to download the PDF files in Engilsh and Spanish.